A test of madness

“You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." --Robin Williams

During my work on the
“Still” journal this week, I discovered this quote at the beginning of one of the articles I was reading. It struck me as quite a comical concept. However, the more I thought about this, the more I discovered the truth behind it.

I have long said that we must all have some bit of insanity within us, otherwise we will go completely crazy. This quote seems to explain what I tried to in much simpler language. However, I also believe that we must be able to maintain that sanity (or insanity) throughout this balancing act we call life.

This past week was a week of firsts for me. I was forced to make serious steps for m
y future.I finalized my first graduate school application this week. I completed my CNN summer internship application this week. I edited my first online journal this week. I gave my first presentation on AP Style this week.

My madness was tested. I like to think that I maintained the appropriate amount. However, I suppose that the only way to find out is to continue testing myself.

That is something that we must all keep doing. Life is about the challenges we face, including that of trying new things.

I survived this week, proving to myself that I can survive a great deal. And I plan to keep the challenges coming.

After all, that’s how to test my madness.


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